Grab a Drink, sit down and let's talk-Rural, Suburban, Urban and Above all - Texan. Welcome to The Dive.

Make America Great Again

Having conversations sometimes not allowed in polite society are usually the best. Talking honestly about events of the day is somewhat unique in the bar… a “safe space” so to speak. We will make friends, maybe enemies, listening to yahoo’s speak their mind.

Democrats, Republicans, and the MAGA crowd will be heard and probably laughed at.

The Dive is what I like about Texas. It may look rough at times, but at least we aren’t California.-Kyle

This is Texas

Chinga Tu Maga

Alexis De Tocqueville spoke about American Democracy, “Demos,” in his 1835, Democracy In America.

The People.

Texas Country Singer and Icon George Strait once sang- ‘I ain’t here for a long time, but I’m here for a good time.’

That is what the Dive is-

Having a Good Time with Real Texans across the entire state, listening to everyone’s thoughts, making friends and living Democracy. Demos.

That is Democracy and that is Texas. Elevating our Texan voices. So let’s do Texas.”-JSIII

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